A common challenge faced by people trying to gain actionable insight from Twitter is access to the data. Whilst other services can provide access to historic data from Twitter, Twitter itself only makes data available for analysis for the previous 7 days. The conversation from Twitter is often depicted as linear timeline when in fact there are many threaded and overlapping discussions. In this presentation we expand on a number of techniques for the collection and analysis of data from Twitter and in particular the development and use of the Twitter Archiving Google Sheet (TAGS) and supplemental visualisation tool TAGSExplorer. As part of this we will highlight some of the 120 metadata elements associated with a tweet such as: in reply to IDs; the sender’s profile including location, friend/followers counts, biography. We will also highlight the limitations of data collection techniques around hashtag communities, and application of other tools for further analysis and insight. To contextualise this we will highlight how the TAGS tool has been used in a number of open educational contexts.
Fini, A. (2009). The technological dimension of a massive open online course: The case of the CCK08 course tools. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(5).
Hawksey, M. ( 2012). Notes on technology behind cMOOCs: Show me your aggregation architecture and I’ll show you mine. MASHe, [blog] 01 August. Available at: <> [Accessed 08 March 2015]
Ross, C. Terras, M. C.& Welsh, A (2011) “Enabled Backchannel: Conference Twitter Use by Digital Humanists. Journal of Documentation. Vol. 67 Iss: 2
Martin Hawksey posted an update in the session
Twitter in open education: Using Google Sheets for the archiving and analysis of course discussion [ 9 years, 10 months ago
Call for contributions for this session (how are you using Twitter in Ed.)?
Martin Hawksey posted an update in the session
Twitter in open education: Using Google Sheets for the archiving and analysis of course discussion [ 9 years, 10 months ago
I’m presenting this session and look forward to talking you all through some of this work. If tweeting about this session I suggest we double tag as #oer15 #740 <- 740 being the paper id 🙂