Public Group
10 years ago
Following a brief outline of four short courses on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) this session will describe the experience and challenges of running these courses for University staff. The four courses are ‘10 Days of Twitter’, ‘12 Apps of Christmas’, ‘5 Days of LinkedIn’ and ‘Blogging for Beginners’. The presentation will focus on how to set up these courses, how to manage the delivery of the course content and different ways to evaluate the effectiveness of this type of staff training.This session explores different formats for teaching social media as a medium for building a personal learning network and a community for continuing professional development. The #10DoT (Ten Days of Twitter) course was originally developed by Helen Webster (@scholastic_rat) at her University and I repeated the course making my own modifications and changes to the programme. The course addressed several levels of digital literacy relevant to Higher Education, from basic technical skills to the principles of digital identity creation, information management and developing a participatory, open approach. In addition to #10DoT there are three other courses that will be outlined in this session; 12 Apps of Christmas, 5 Days of LinkedIn and Blogging for Beginners. These courses are built on some of the strategies developed by MOOCs to create a format which is convenient for busy participants, both academic and professional staff. The tasks and learning activities on each course are limited to short periods of engagement per day and were embedded into a authentic learning context.The session touches on the UK Professional Standards Framework dimensions K4 (the use and value of appropriate learning technologies) A4 (developing effective learning environments and approaches) and also A5 (engagement in continuing professional development).The overall aim of the presentation will be to focus on the practicalities of setting up these short open online courses and ways to evaluate the effectiveness of this type of staff training. We will also consider how Academic Developers and Learning Technologists can build appropriate collaborations both within and outside of the university to increase their own personal profile as an academic and as a member of the professional support staff.
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 participants
10 years ago -
Alicia Owen
10 years ago -
Stylianos Mystakidis
10 years ago -
Natalie Lafferty
10 years ago -
10 years ago -
Laurence Patterson
10 years ago -
Theodore Kuechel
10 years ago -
Sarah George
10 years ago -
Andrew Middleton
10 years ago -
Belinda Caulfield
10 years ago -
Louise hart
10 years ago -
Dominik Lukes
10 years ago -
Mary Jacob
10 years ago -
10 years ago
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 participants