Public Group
Active 9 years, 11 months ago
Understanding research methodologies and methods is very important formany learners, particularly those who are undertaking study at Level 7 orabove. It is also an area with which students may be unfamiliar, and in whichthey appreciate opportunities for practice. For part-time and distancelearners, and those who are predominantly work-based, it is particularlyimportant that appropriate, engaging resources in the topic are made availableonline, for example via an institutional VLE such as Moodle. Given the numericaland graphical aspects covered, producing effective resources can be difficultand time-consuming, and hence good quality, ready-made materials were sought.An inspection of the OER repository XPERT revealed several appropriate Xertelearning packages in research methods and basic statistics produced by the Universityof Nottingham, which could be downloaded within a ‘Xerte’ block, or as a SCORMpackage, and these will be used within Wales Institute of Work-Based Learning (WIWBL)programmes at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) in the nearfuture. Xerte learning objects can incorporate images, video and audio, havemany options for questions and interactivity, and also have the advantage of built-inaccessibility features (JISC Techdis, 2014).Given the perceived usefulness of Xerte,bespoke learning objects were produced using this application at UWTSD to coveradditional aspects of research methods, and to provide appropriate context forwork-based learners. These will also be incorporated into certain level 7 and 8WIWBL programmes in the near future. Student opinion will subsequently becanvassed, and any necessary changes made before these learning objects aremade available to the OER community.ReferencesJISC Techdis (2014) technology matters: Xerte. [online] Available at : 4.11.14)The University of Nottingham (2013) TheXerte Project. [online]Available at : 5.11.14)The University of Nottingham (2010) Xpert.[online] Available at : (Accessed 6.11.14)
Christine Davies posted an update in the session
Finding and Making Xerte Learning Objects for Research Methods [670] 9 years, 11 months ago
My slides for this presentation can be viewed at 🙂
Thank you for posting your slideshare Christine